About Us
Castle Hill & District RSL sub-Branch.
Read the Latest Message from the President
Welcome to the Castle Hill & District RSL sub-Branch.
As we move into the next three years the focus for the sub-Branch, along with RSL NSW, is on supporting Veterans and their Families. A Veteran is anyone who has put on the uniform of the Australian Defence Force or our allies. A Veteran can be currently serving in and still in uniform, whether a regular or reserve member, be transitioning to civil life or who has long since “hung up their boots”.
The RSL supports all Veterans and their Families in many ways, whether they be members of the RSL or not, including by providing Welfare and Wellbeing services, Compensation support, Camaraderie activities, and by conducting and being involved in Commemoration and Community events. This is already taking place through our sub-Branch, or through RSL Veterans Services or through our network of support organisations such as the expanding network of Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs around the state, such as in Nowra, the Riverina and the Hunter, with more coming on board.
If you are a Veteran and live in the Castle Hill and surrounding areas, I encourage you to get involved with our RSL sub-Branch and help to support fellow Veterans and their Families.

Castle Hill and District RSL sub-Branch Committee Members
Cheryl Hill
Paul Harris-Walker
Rees John
Don Tait & David Hand
David Hand
Chris Kirk
Alain Dunand
Phillip Evenden
Barry Pareezer
Vice-President (Personnel)
Vice-President (Commemoration)
Honorary Secretary
Pensions Officer
Events Coordinator
Gym Coordinator
FWDC Delegates
Committee Positions x 5
John Payne
Sjouke Havenaar
Barry Newman
Rev. Canon Colin Aiken
Welfare Officer
Honorary sub-Branch Chaplain
Cheryl Hill
Jan Wilson
Mobile 0412 297 027
The Castle Hill and District RSL sub-Branch is proud to maintain the following community partnerships